Saturday, October 16, 2010

Finding time to blog

Well, baby is asleep and DH is downstairs for his gaming night, so this mama has some time to herself for once. Of course, this mama also has a disaster area of a house that she really ought to clean instead, but….well….I DON’T WANNA! It’s so rare that I get this quiet time, and with the rough week that I’ve been having, I want to take advantage.

I’m exhausted. The last couple of mornings my body has been waking me up exactly 1.5 hours before my alarm goes off, and it’s driving me crazy! Of course I haven’t been able to fall asleep afterwards, so by the time the end of my shift at work rolls around, I’m just dead on my feet. We got a bit accomplished after I got off work today, though-I got some driving practice in, we bought my niece’s birthday present (a cute little Piglet sweater dress/leggings outfit) and DH bought me the Beauty and the Beast Diamond Edition DVD/Blu-Ray combo pack. Yay! DH also promised to get up with baby bug tomorrow morning so that I can sleep in a little. Hmm….I wonder what he did wrong? LOL.

Ugh, work is turning into SUCH a gongshow. My bosses used to be decent people, or seemed that way, anyhow, but the assholery has been increasing steadily over the last few weeks. The most recent evidence? A whole bunch of people have quit lately due to the crap going on, and there was an ad in the paper advertising positions paying a full 2.50/hr more than those of us who have been there since the beginning (June) are making. NONE OF US are getting raises. Um, excuse me? Not cool. I can’t WAIT until I find another job so that I can get out of this hellhole. I have a few to apply for, but I haven’t had a chance when the places have been open to apply and neither of the two that I’m currently focused on have the option of online applications. Ugh. Ugh Ugh Ugh.

On a completely unrelated note, I wish I was funny. lol. One of my favourite blogs, Hyperbole and a Half, never fails to make me laugh. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve read an entry (I can’t count the number of times I’ve read “Spiders are scary. It’s okay to be afraid of them.”) it will never fail to make me laugh. I know it’s the same for many other people. I just wish I could touch people’s lives like that. I feel like I’m just existing, and not really making a difference. I wish I had some kind of creative skill, so I could be a WAHM and do things that would brighten up people’s days a little. But I really don’t have any creative skills….the closest I have is being a passable writer, but even then it’s pretty much only fanfiction. Sigh. I guess I’ll just keep searching until I find my muse.

And, to wrap up this beyond random blog post…a video. This video has gone viral lately, so probably almost everyone has already seen it, but whatever. It’s so funny and so true that I just have to share it. Team Unicorn FTW!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Giving this whole blogging thing a shot

.Well, since so many of my WTE mamas are blogging these days, I thought maybe I’d give it a shot myself. Goodness knows I could use a sounding board sometimes.

So, for those who don’t know, my name’s Lisa. I’m 24 and have been married three years to my husband Cam. We have one daughter, Lily, who is 17 months old and the absolute light of my life. Every day she amazes me with the things she knows, and makes me giggle with the things she does. She’s a silly girl who loves to dance, play, and snuggle. She likes taking baths with her ducks, going to swimming lessons, and will drop anything to watch The Wiggles. Of course, given that she comes from two geeky parents, she also loves a good dose of Star Trek…hahaha.

I’m hoping to learn a bit of the layout/coding stuff so that I can make my blog a bit prettier eventually. Until then…this will do. lol. Anyone have any pointers for tutorials?

I don’t have too much to say right now—well, I do, but it’s all kind of disorganized in my head, and I’m not sure where to start. So instead of mind-diarrheaing all over my blog, I”m going to leave off with this quote, because it’s something I need to remember these days.

“Listen, you may feel like hell. But, sometimes, lost is where you need to be. Just because you don't know your direction doesn't mean you don't have one”-Slick, to Starbuck. Battlestar Galactica 2003, Season 4.